Drew Dara-Abrams

Hello from the San Francisco Bay Area. This is where I'm originally from, and while life has taken me elsewhere along the way, it's where I call home.
At Interline Technologies, my colleagues and I consult on transportation data, platforms, and products. Our work emphasizes:
- software that is open-source
- data that is open
- transportation that is multi-modal (especially public mass transit, walking, cycling, and "shared" modes)
- platforms and partnerships that are collaborative
- users modeled as computational agents or studied in controlled experiments — within a broader context of being seen as real, whole people
- good transportation as a means to increase our access to livelihood, happiness, health, family, and friends
From 2014 to 2017, I served as Head of Mobility Products at Mapzen, a geospatial software and data R&D start-up sponsored by Samsung. While at Mapzen, I:
- founded the Transitland platform.
- product-managed the growth of the Valhalla routing engine, especially the additions of isochrone, map-matching, and other analysis functionality.
- led Mapzen's successful bid and effort to built the Open Traffic platform under contract for The World Bank.
- recruited and collaborated with many talented colleagues
Previously, I earned a Ph.D. from the Department of Geography at University of California, Santa Barbara. I have served as Chief Technology Officer for a series of start-ups related to transportation, urban planning, and support for senior citizens.
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